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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lesson Learnt

 It's almost a week witra kene demam panas. Memang banyak yang nak di fikirkan. First of all, cari sekolah baru untuk witra. Maybe this time need do more and more extra work to study the school, teacher, how the environment and for sure, no more new kindy, lesson learnt, "no more new kindy", again!

Source: Google: Tadika manakah yang menjadi pilihan hati? 

Fuh, its been very very hard weeks for me. But thanks to Allah, kerana dengan rahmat Nya, i still have a family yang support dari moral dan support. They willing to come every two days tengok perkembangan witra. For sure, yang paling risau ialah mak. 

Petua untuk anak yang sakit ulser especially demam panas macam witra, paed nasihatkan beri puding/ice cream yg milk based, macam ais cream Hagez Das/Baskin Robins. Julie try pagi tadi, witra nak gak makan 3-4 sudu.

Thanks to Doctor2 pakar di PPUKM yang bertungkus lumus membantu saya sepanjang witra mendapatkan witra di sana. Doctor Fared Khan, Doctor Daniel, dan Doctor Paniemawati (If i'm not mistaken). Terima kasih tidak terhingga kepada maklang (Thanks maklang for a great advice),paklang ( You are the most cool person paklang!) 
Source: Google

Terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada mak (sayang sangat dekat mak, You're the best person in the earth i ever known mak!), ayah(insan yang sangat saya sanjungi dan the most tolerate person i ever met!). Dearest Farah, even we are not having a great history farah, but i love you so much sayang! 

To all colleague at office, thanks for you moral support, we will see at office tomolo! oh no, gila banyak email nak kene kunyah nanti! 

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